Holtec Britain SMR
Generic Design Assessment (GDA)
Discover the SMR-300:
A Safe and Secure Energy Solution
The SMR-300 stands at the forefront of modern energy innovation, embodying safety, security, and sustainability.
This state-of-the-art two-loop Pressurised Water Reactor (PWR) is engineered to provide a consistent and reliable source of clean energy, harnessing the power of nuclear fission. The SMR-300 leverages the proven PWR technology to deliver a steady and dependable flow of clean energy. By using low-enriched uranium fuel, the reactor efficiently converts fission heat into electricity, contributing to a sustainable and eco-friendly energy future.

Ensuring Excellence in Nuclear Safety, Security and Environmental Protection
In Great Britain, the construction of new nuclear power stations is subject to rigorous evaluation to meet the highest standards of safety, security, environmental protection, and waste management. This essential process, known as the Generic Design Assessment (GDA), is a collaborative effort spearheaded by three authoritative bodies: the Environment Agency, the Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR), and Natural Resources Wales (NRW).
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